Roseanne (before and after)
I'm never sure sharing the before and after on shots shows that I'm a better editor than photographer but here goes.
So here is what has been done
1. Adjusted the highlights and shadows in Lightroom
2. Turned up contrast then adjust Orange and Yellow channels to keep the skin tone natural
3. Adjust crop and rotation
3. Then it's over to photoshop
4. First I have created a mask round Roseanne
5. Duplicated the layer twice
6. On the first copy I have selected the long piece of walk to the left of her head and transformed this and stretched to cover that red curtain. This is the background layer.
7. Applied a gaussain blur to that layer and applied the Roseanne mask to the top layer so only she shows on the blurred background.
8. Add a blank layer on top to do the heal brush stuff - she really doesn't need much
9. Merge the layers back into one before using the liquify tool to smooth creases in her outfit out. I would normal do this before merging the layer but with a blurred background there isn't anything to distort so easier to do as a final step.
So that's it - any questions let me know.